Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wonderful Winter!

We have kicked off the new season with lots of snowy fun!

First, we spent some time learning about winter and snow.  We love to us Pebble-Go to do research in the classroom.  (If you time, try it out at home!)  We learned lots of new things that we were able to add to our existing knowledge of the season.  We learned lots of new information about snow and how it is formed.  Did you know that in the center of every snowflake, there is a hexagon?  We used this knowledge to help us build some snowflakes of our own!


After we boosted our background knowledge with some informational reading, we read some great imaginative stories about snow and snowmen!  Some of our favorites were Snowmen at Night and Snowmen All Year by Caralyn Beuhner.  

After enjoying these great books, of course we were inspired to create some fun snowmen and snowmen stories of our own!

We did not let the wintery fun end with reading and writing about snow!  You know we like to get our hands dirty and our bodies moving in Kindergarten!  So we got our hands dirty in some "snow" of our own.  We got to touch and build with some very cool snow dough! (The kids loved it and asked for the recipe--it's super easy!  1 part white hair conditioner to 3 parts baking powder.)  Then we used some shaving cream to create a snowy writing space to practice writing letters and words and solving math problems!

And you can't do snow without a snowball fight! Click here to see some of the snowball craziness! 

(Each snowball had a sight word written on it.  We stopped to read every few minutes--it wasn't a total free for all!)

And last, but not least, the treats!  We made and enjoyed some hot chocolate and wintery trail mix, and we even made a snowman good enough to eat!

Classroom snow is fun, but I'm hoping that we'll get to see some of the real stuff before the season is over!  

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