Monday, March 27, 2017

The Wonderful World of Dr. Seuss!

We spent the first part of March exploring the wild, wonderful world of Dr. Seuss! 

We had fun reading about that crazy Cat in the Hat, and then read about what happened when the Cat in the Hat came back.  And since we are a classroom full of aspiring writers we had to try our hand at creating our own Cat in the Hats and stories to match!

But the Cat in the Hat fun did not stop there!  We used cups and index cards to make our own "hats" and participated in a grade level STEM challenge to see which group could build the tallest hat stack.  It was a little harder than it looked, so we had to get creative!

After reading and writing about hats, stacking hats, and building hats, there was nothing left to do but EAT hats!  We used sugar cookie dough to bake our hats, then we decorated them with whipped topping and strawberry stripes.  Yum!

But we couldn't stop with Cats in Hats!  We also had some Foot Book and If I Ran the Zoo fun too!

Dr. Seuss created some funny feet, but I think I might like ours even better!

And check out some of these Crazy Creature Creations!

To wrap things up, we made our very own green eggs and ham! 

Some of use were a little skeptical.

And some of us were down right opposed to the idea!

But most of us thought they were pretty good after all!